Digital Labels Celebrate the 80s
Share your own memories of the 1980s with us and they could be displayed in our exhibition I Grew Up 80s!
Published: 5 June 2022
We invite you to share your thoughts and memories of the defining eighties decade! They will be shown on 'e-ink' digital labels alongside some of the memorabilia displayed in the new summer exhibition I Grew Up 80s!
Or email your comments to:
Leicester Museums & Galleries have recently installed 'e-ink' digital labels in the new summer exhibition I Grew Up 80s.
The digital labels offer an opportunity for you to share your own thoughts and memories on a selection of objects from the eighties, as you take a trip back in time and rediscover treasures of this vibrant, innovative decade.
Your memories and stories will be shown on the digital labels for people to read during their visit to the exhibition this summer.

An example of a digital label in a recent exhibition.
How to get involved
If you would like to be involved, take some time to have a look at the 5 exhibition objects in the picture gallery below and then let us know what memories or feelings they raise for you, or any other comments you wish to make about them.
All of the objects are on display in the I Grew Up 80s exhibition at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery if you would like to take a closer look.
What objects can you write about?
The exhibition objects selected for you to talk about are:
- VL-Tone Synthesizer (Casio-Japan 1979 - 1984)
Did you used to own one of these or something similar?
Does it remind you of anything in your childhood?
Do you remember any of the other toys in this exhibition case? - 80s Music
Who were your favourite artists from the 80s?
Do you remember buying any of these records, and where from? - BMX Raleigh Burner Bike (Raleigh UK 1982 - 1988)
Did you own a Raleigh bike in the 80s?
Where did you used to ride it? - He-Man Masters of the Universe Toy (Mattel US 1982 - 1988)
Did you or siblings have a He-Man toy? What about any other toy figures from the 80s?
What toy character was your favourite? - Donkey Kong Arcade Game Machine (Nintendo)
Where did you go to play on one of these?
What were your favourite arcade games of the 80s?
80s Exhibition Objects

The Project
The project, funded by Arts Council England, looks to bring new voices to Leicester’s Museums & Galleries and gives you, the public, the chance to offer an ‘alternative interpretation’ for selected museum objects and to share your own thoughts and reactions as part of the museum exhibitions.
You can read more about the digital labels in our news story here, where they were used for people to comment on some of the museum's permanent collections. They were also used in a previous temporary exhibition Painting Freedom, to show the local Gujarati community’s thoughts and reactions to Indian artwork.
Now it is your chance to share in the nostalgia of the 80s, and we would love to hear from you!
What should you write?
You can write about just one object or more, and it can include anything about your opinions, reactions, feelings or memories about each of the works.
Here are some points for you to think about:
- What is the object saying and what does it mean to you?
- How does it make you feel?
- Does it remind you of anything?
Where to submit your comments:
Please email your comments (up to 100 words for each object), also including your name and age, to
You can also submit your views to us using this online form.
Then look out for your comments on a digital label in the exhibition at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery soon! We look forward to hearing from you.