Out of the Stores: Shoes
Explore 400 years of fashion
Visitors will be able to view shoes and shoe related objects from the museum’s extensive collection. The exhibition explores shoe fashions over the last four hundred years, including the oldest shoe in the collection from 1570 and towering platforms from the 1970s.
A variety of shoes will illustrate the many different reasons why we wear the shoes that we do and how shoes can celebrate special events and major milestones in our lives. The exhibition also explores shoe superstitions including investigating the reasons why people in the past deliberately hid shoes in buildings - was it for protection or good luck?
Leicester’s shoemaking heritage is highlighted with shoes, catalogues, photographs and advertising from many local factories.
Remember to wear your favourite shoes when you visit!
Exhibition Talks
- The Shoe Must Go On!
2pm, Sunday 1st October
Enjoy this talk by Rebecca Shawcross, curator of the new Shoes exhibition - Followers of Fashion
2pm, Sunday 5th November
Explore the highs and lows of shoe fashions over the last 900 years!