Leicester Global City Quilts

Health and Wellbeing
10 - 18 January 2023



An exhibition of eight beautiful quilts representing a rich picture of the people of our city

Leicester Global City Quilts

Throughout 2022 people all over Leicester came together in a series of “Quilting Conversations” workshops in local community venues.

Each participant chose their own theme around which to create a square to represent themselves. Some people chose to depict their origins or family; others their interests or beliefs.

The workshops brought people together, helped them to develop new friendships, and to begin or rekindle an interest in stitching. These squares all come together to present a rich picture of the people of our city.

The overwhelming popularity of the project has resulted in eight beautiful quilts, with a square representing each participant within the project.

View the first exhibition of the Global City Quilts in the Victorian Gallery at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery. Following the exhibition at the museum, the quilts will tour community venues throughout the city during 2023, from New Parks to Highfields, and Saffron Lane to Belgrave. In addition there will also be an online exhibition which will show additional squares made by the participants.

Please visit the Quilting Conversations page to find the latest details.

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