Object of the Month: November 2022
COVID Floor Stencil
Published: 31 October 2022
Chosen by: Heather Southorn, Collections Manager
Collection: Social History
Object Name: COVID Floor Stencil (Stencil, 2022)
Gift of Leicester City Council, Development Team Planning, Development and Transportation
This stencil is part of a set designed jointly by Leicester City Council and Graffworks (a multifaceted arts project team focused on aerosol art). The stencils were spray painted onto pavements in the city centre, using bright multicolours to catch the eye and remind people to stay safe and keep two metres apart (as per government guidelines at the time).
There were several stencil designs made, including cut-outs of a crocodile, tiger and a crab, and some of the paintwork can still be seen faintly on pavements around the city.

The Object of the Month can be seen in person throughout November at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery.