Object of the Month: November 2021
Published: 27 October 2021
Chosen by: Angela Robinson, Collections Officer
Collection: Social History
Object Name: Goblin Teasmade
Ceramic, metal, plastic; 1960s
Made by Goblin Ltd
Comprises of clock unit, teapot, water boiler and tray

Teasmade, made in 1960s by Goblin Ltd
Angela Robinson:
This Goblin Teasmade reminds me of my Grandad Bingham. He was paralysed from the waist downwards after an industrial accident. In the 1970s the local council provided my Grandparents with a one-bedroom bungalow that was designed for people with disabilities.
My brother and I would stay at our Grandparents, sleeping on sun loungers, when we visited in the holidays. Every morning my Grandad would be woken by the teasmade and have his morning cup of tea in bed.
An electric element heats the kettle, which sits upon a spring-loaded pad. When steam pressure pushes the boiling water into the pot the pad lifts and cuts the power.
The Object of the Month can be seen in person throughout November at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery.