Object of the Month: December 2021
Published: 23 November 2021
Chosen by: Angela Robinson, Collections Officer
Collection: Social History
Object Name: Compare the Meerkat.com Toys
Made by Meerkovo
The collection comprises of Sergi, Aleksandr, Maiya & Yakov
Donated to Leicester Museums & Galleries, 2020

Contemporary Collecting
In 2020 we collected four Compare the Meerkat.com toys for the social history collection. The social history collection is a group of objects which have previously been owned by local people or made in the city. We collect them so that we can show future generations how we live today.
The advertising campaign for the insurance price comparison website has been enormously successful. The meerkat characters have become part of British culture. The adverts have been running since 2009 and have generated billions of insurance quotes for the company.
The Objects of the Month can be seen in person throughout December at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery.