Object of the Month: Black History Month 2020
Published: 1 October 2020

You’re Missing the Point’ by Pogus Caesar, Leicester Gallery and Museums. © Pogus Caesar. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2020
Chosen by
Tara Monroe, Creative Director Opal 22 Arts and Edutainment
Fine Art
Object Name
‘You’re Missing the Point’ by Pogus Caesar
Object information
I chose this artwork for object of the month, as it fits perfectly with the current climate.
Pogus gives a subtle, yet direct representation of the issues between police/authorities and the black community.
This painting shows the defiance, strength and confidence of Black identity in a foreign climate. As a picture, it speaks a thousand words and screams for the need for acceptance and equality.
Opal22 Arts & Edutainment is a heritage and arts organisation producing thought-provoking projects and outcomes that merge history,
arts and culture.