Object of the Month: August 2022
1940s Tea Set
Published: 28 July 2022
Chosen by: Shani Collis, Collections Access Officer
Collection: Decorative Arts
Object Name:
Tea Set
Pink Glass, 1940s
Donated by Gillian Bowler

Some of the items from the set
This type of glass was very popular in the 1930s and 40s and was reasonably priced and quite durable. They came in a wide variety of colours including green, pink, blue, amber and red.
This particular tea set was gifted to the donor’s grandmother in 1944 for her 21st birthday. This is the type of ‘coming of age gift’ that a young woman would keep as part of her ‘bottom drawer’ – useful items to be kept ready for marriage when the woman would move out of the family home and set up her own household.
The Object of the Month can be seen in person throughout August at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery.