Notice 21 September 2022:

Currently Leicester Museum & Galleries have no placement and work experience opportunities available at present. We will be reopening this opportunity in the future so we encourage visitors to check this page which we will update as soon as we have further availability.


Our service is made up of various teams which placements, work experience and internships can take part in.
These teams include:

  • Operations: The operations team undertake the management of our buildings, public events and care for our visitors.
  • Volunteering: Volunteering oversees the management of our teams of volunteers across all cultural services. Often placements can take place within the framework of volunteering.
  • Community Engagement: Undertake targeted work to support the needs of Leicester’s communities including health and wellbeing, learning, schools and outreach.
  • Collections: Manage the care of the museum’s wide range of objects and records for display at our sites.
  • Arts: The arts team mange public art, the Open Exhibition and promote arts engagement within the city.
  • Digital: The digital team looks after our digital displays, web presence and social media engagement.
  • Exhibitions: manage our permanent and temporary exhibition across all our sites.

Main duties

Work experience, placements and internship positions will take place in one of the above the teams and will assist with the day to day work of that team. Work that your placement will require will need to be specified in the application form to allow the team to tailor the specifics of your placement.

Work placements will need to support the work of the service and it’s delivery objectives. Further details of this can be discussed within the application process.

Additional information

To express your interest please use the below link to the placement application form. Whilst we try to accommodate all placements, spaces are limited and so we are unable to guarantee a placement in the team of your choosing. The broader your choice of teams the more likely will be able to accommodate you.