History with Joe presents 3rd Century Crisis: The Fall and Rise of the Roman Empire

Lectures & Tours
28 July 2024
14:00 - 15:30


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Event Description

A talk about the third century Roman empire that fell to ruin, and pulled back from the brink

History with Joe presents 3rd Century Crisis: The Fall and Rise of the Roman Empire

History with Joe presents
The Crisis of the 3rd Century: The Fall and Rise of the Roman Empire

The Golden Age of Rome is over, the expansion of its borders has ceased, its currency near worthless. Plague, famine and war, both internal and from invasion, is rampant. How did the once mighty Roman Empire come to this?

The third century was a period of unending crises for the empire, with nearly thirty emperors taking the purple and a near collapse of the Roman state. But the Empire endured and in this talk we shall learn both how the empire fell to ruin and who it was that managed to pull it back from the brink. We’ll discuss the changes made to Roman politics, society, religion and warfare to illuminate one of the least discussed, yet most impactful, periods of Roman history.

Tickets £5

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