Enhancing Leicester

Our aim is to enhance the city landscape through promoting relevant, vibrant, and interesting art in the public realm. Our management of public art will often involve a collaborative and strategic approach and we promote consultation with communities to create a sense of place for both local people and visitors.

Public Art Gallery

When approached with a new commission we encourage and support artists and designers to work together with planning and structural professionals at an early stage in the development process.

Take a look at Leicester's Guiding Principles for Public Art document for more information on the city’s approach to public art. Download and print at home.

Through establishing a collective vision for new work, with a shared understanding of the public space and specific characteristics of Leicester’s urban landscape, we endeavour to feature public artworks that are interesting, stimulating, and that resonate with residents and visitors.

King Richard III sculpture in Cathedral Gardens

King Richard III sculpture in Cathedral Gardens

The public art of Leicester features statues, sculptures, street art, street furniture, text, and light installations, whilst our pavements and public spaces host exciting and vibrant cultural celebrations, projections, and street performances. If you have a proposal for a public art project in the city, please get in touch by email to discuss your ideas.

Public Art support:

Public Art Online

The Public Statues and Sculpture Association

Link Panels