Found: Museums, Collections and Wellbeing
Found is a piece of artwork created by Leicestershire artist Rachel Grevatte.

A new temporary piece of artwork has been installed in the World Arts Gallery at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery. The artwork, is inspired by the birds in the museum's collection of art, craft and natural specimens.
Artist Rachel Grevatte worked with community groups and museum visitors to create the Tree of Life. Participants took part in workshops creating painted and printed papers that were used to make the bird collages.
Look in the display case nearby and see bird inspired objects from the museum collections. Take the time to find other birds and bird motifs around the museum and be inspired!
Or why not take part in a Birds Gallery Trail? Younger children can search for the bird themed collections around the museum, and there are questions to answer for older age groups. Simply download the trail from this page and print at home, or follow it from your smartphone.