Welcome to Jewry Wall

In Roman times Leicester was known as Ratae Corieltavorum and was the tribal capital of the Corieltauvi people who controlled the surrounding territory.

In order to revitalise the site Leicester City Council is creating a new 21st century visitor attraction which will use cutting edge digital technology to create an immersive hands on experience. The city’s unique Roman collection will be used to tell stories of everyday Roman Leicester and its people enabling visitors to step into and experience what life was like in Ratae Corieltavorum.


Jewry Wall
St Nicholas Walk

Email: museums@leicester.gov.uk

Opening times

Currently closed for refurbishment


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New discoveries

Jewry Wall was built in the second century and is one of the largest surviving Roman structures in Britain today. As Roman Britain fell into decline, the complex was left to decay and became buried underneath years of accumulated deposits and later buildings. In the 1930s, during excavations led by Kathleen Kenyon, the remains of the bath complex were finally revealed again as archaeologists rediscovered the surviving foundation walls of a series of rooms and furnaces.

In the late 1950s a new site was sought for the University of Leicester’s Vaughan College and it was decided to build a new college building adjacent to the remains of Jewry Wall. Designed by Trevor Dannatt, the building was completed in 1962 and the upper floors opened as the new Vaughan College. In 1966 the lower floor opened its doors to the public as Jewry Wall Museum, housing the City’s collection of archaeological finds.

Following a decision by the University of Leicester to relocate away from the Vaughan College site, and fifty years on from the opening of the museum, Leicester City Council acquired the building in 2016 with the aim of developing a new world class museum spreading across the former museum site and Vaughan College building. Leicester Museums & Galleries are now working to realise that vision and bring to life the stories of Leicester’s ancient past. Since the time of previous displays at the museum, so many new discoveries have been made around the City and the additional gallery space will allow visitors to see the archaeological gems and explore the Story of Leicester’s Roman past.

Read about life in Roman Leicester

Read about the fascinating history of life in Roman Leicester on the Story of Leicester website. It includes an in depth look at the Jewry Wall Baths.

Roman Leicester Walking Trail

This print-at-home walking tour takes you through modern Leicester to the location of key Roman sites and buildings that have been lost and found (and sometimes lost again) - look out for the Heritage Panels as you go for more information about different periods in Leicester’s history.

The main part of the walking trail should take between an hour and 90 minutes to complete, at a moderate pace. It has as an extension of three additional sites and a another three a little further afield.

Jewry Wall Guide

Learn more about the Jewry Wall site and take an in-depth journey with our online guide.